For Polteq, continuously improving the testing process comes as naturally as testing and improving the software itself. With test process improvement, you optimize the quality, cost and turnaround time of testing within your development process. For this, the following steps are important:
- Ensure commitment and buy-in: during the improvement process, everyone is and will remain imbued with the need to improve.
- Set realistic goals: what can and do you want to achieve, when and by what means?
- Conduct an assessment: identify strengths and areas for improvement through desk research and interviews.
- Determine improvement actions: translate goals and assessment results into short- and long-term improvement proposals.
- Plan and implement: a pragmatic implementation plan is crucial. In addition to specific testing aspects, change-management plays an important role here.
- Evaluate: have the goals been achieved and what is your next step? How do you secure the results achieved?