Kantoor Snakeware



“We stand for quality and so we have to keep challenging ourselves and growing. For our test engineers, in consultation with our partner Polteq, we started looking for a customized training program.”

Marco Boonstra, Operations Manager Snakeware

“The training course ‘Exploratory Testing with the Goal Focus Approach Method’ shakes up ingrained patterns of thinking about requirement- and risk-based testing.”

Wim ten Tusscher, Polteq Test architect and trainer

Kantoor Snakeware
Logo Polteq

Each year, on January 1st, hundreds of thousands players consult the results page with their zip code to see if they have won a prize.  Before this yearly highlight of the Dutch Postcode Lottery...

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Wie is de Mol? is a Dutch entertainment format. In addition to millions of weekly television viewers, the show is supported by an App game, played by a million users on both iOS and And...

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How can ICT help keep health care accessible and affordable? A very big question.

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