Automating testing with Typescript
Polteq developed a one-day training course
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In today’s market, basic knowledge of a programming language is a must for a tester. For example, testers are involved in automating (regression) testing. Also, knowledge of the structure of a programming language helps in being able to communicate with developers. In addition, testers with their knowledge of a programming language can also better support developers in setting up automated unit tests. One of the programming languages, which we encounter a lot these days is Typescript. To get testers started in this programming language, Polteq has developed a two-day training course.
During this one-day training you will learn the basics of programming in Typescript through explanation and doing a large number of exercises. Also, you can set up and run a test framework using Mocha and Chai assertion Library and in it automated tests. You will also gain knowledge of some principles from Object Oriented Programming (OOP) that are applied in test automation. Participants will receive the material digitally after the training, so they can immediately apply what they have learned in their own practice. This training is taught by one of our accredited trainers. Prior knowledge is not required.
Topics covered during this training are:
Chai assertion Library
Who is this training for?
The target audience for this course consists of testing professionals who have no knowledge of Typescript and/or object-oriented programming (OOP).