TI4Agile: Optimizing Tests within Agile Environments
From structured via iterative to testing in Agile
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More and more organizations are working Agile, often in conjunction with Scrum. One important change is that testing has become a role that to some extent is fulfilled by every member of an Agile team. Another feature of Agile is the strong focus of the Agile team on delivering complete working pieces of system in a relatively short period of time. These and many more features underlie Test Improvement for Agile (TI4Agile), the Polteq approach to improving testing in Agile environments. To begin, this approach includes an assessment model to objectively identify improvement opportunities for Agile testing. In addition, the approach is full of improvement suggestions to help, step by step, the organization master and then optimize Agile testing. Employees who adopt Agile norms and values contribute optimally to testing in an Agile context. TI4Agile training participants are introduced to the approach and learn to recognize organizations that:
- Be well prepared to go Agile (structured testing is on the cards)
- Have mastered iterative work
- Successfully apply Agile testing in word and deed
These are the three phases of Agile testing in the approach. This is followed by a detailed discussion of determining the improvement measures for an organization to reach the next stage.
Prior Knowledge The training will be most beneficial to participants who have appropriate knowledge of and experience with testing. Knowledge of Agile practices is not a strict requirement, but it is helpful.
Topics covered during this training are:
What is Agile
Working Iteratively
Assessment model
Assessment process
Who is this training for?
This one-day training is designed for professionals who are in the process of implementing or optimizing Agile practices. These may include test managers, test coordinators, test consultants, testers, SPI consultants, QA managers and IT managers, as well as testers, developers, designers and product owners. In fact, anyone who has or will have anything to do with testing in and around an Agile team.