Working at

Working at Polteq

Working at Polteq

Polteq is the largest independent test specialist in the Benelux. Colleagues choose Polteq to be able to focus fully on the testing profession and software quality, a profession that is becoming increasingly important.

Polteq is a medium-sized, flexible and informal company with an open corporate culture. Our test professionals work in test projects at the top 200 companies in the Netherlands and Belgium. They are deployed in various functions and roles, such as (Agile) tester, technical tester (mobile, security, performance or test automation), test coordinator and test manager.

The drive for premium quality software is also reflected in our core values: focused on craftsmanship, personal and the drive to continuously learn and improve are the most important.

Let's have a coffee!

We can imagine that – before you take the step to fill out an application form – you may want to get acquainted with Polteq as a potential employer.

In that case, we invite you to have a cup of coffee with no obligation. Online or at our office, a short meeting to get to know us a little better and where you can ask any questions you may have.

Enter your email address or phone number below, and we’ll contact you and set something up!

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